Are You an IT Recruiter's Worst Nightmare?

Are You an IT Recruiter's Worst Nightmare?

Most IT professionals go out of their way to build a good relationship with the recruiter. However, there are also exceptions: candidates who unknowingly (or perhaps even intentionally) show behavior towards the HR manager that is irritating. In extreme cases, recruiters may even refuse to represent a potential candidate who is difficult to work with. However, that puts the tech pro in a bad position, as they generally need all the allies they can get.

Check out these behaviors to see if you're a recruiter's nightmare :-)

Make excessive demands

Of course, you want to negotiate the best possible deal with your future target company (that’s what recruiters want, by the way).

Many recruiters claim that it is very difficult to place a candidate who insists on making excessive demands. Some developers also have unrealistic salary expectations, or do not even think about a position without a home office, as well as flexible working hours.

It makes no sense for HR consultants to introduce a candidate if their salary expectations do not fit into the salary structure of their client.

Not being completely open and transparent

Candidates often believe that being recommended more than once for a particular position increases their chances of being hired. They don't realize that sometimes companies also disqualify candidates who apply twice for the same position.

For more honesty, candidates should tell the recruiter if they have previously applied for a job. Especially if the search was conducted through another recruiter. Inform the personnel consultant about your previous activities so that you can decide together where it is worth taking the next job opportunity.

Ignoring job interview tips and advice

Of course, an experienced recruiter knows the buttons that have to be pressed with the customer or the HR manager in order to make a good impression. This also includes advice on how to respond to interview questions from the recruiter in the best possible way. Still, there are candidates who ignore every recruiter's advice, say the wrong things during the interview, and go completely off topic. This, of course, ruins any chance of getting hired. The recruiter cannot be blamed for a certain frustration as a result.

Thorough preparation for the interview, as well as information about the preferences of the HR manager, are key advantages for you when working with an IT recruiter.

Lack of Commitment

Recruiters go to great lengths to get a job and to find a suitable candidate for it. Many recruiters often refuse to work with candidates who put absolutely no effort into it. If you are asked to update your resume or provide additional details about one of your projects, you should do so to be immediately suggested for a position. A lack of commitment creates a bad impression and may also favor less qualified candidates who are more interested in a position.

Commitments are not met

Yes, of course, thanks to a generally low unemployment rate, especially among developers, we are in an applicant market. A majority of applicants are in employment and recruiters have to struggle to arrange interviews around the work week. However, once you've committed to a specific time, you need to stick to it. Remember, you still have to please the HR manager at the company you want to work at. If an interview has to be rescheduled after the HR manager has also made the effort to stick to the schedule, it can give the impression that the candidate is not taking the application seriously or is a difficult person to deal with to work together.

Don't treat recruiters like a valued partner

IT applicants often complain that recruiters don't try hard or treat them with respect. On the other hand, some candidates take recruiters for granted and treat them as subordinates rather than valuable partners. Remember, recruiters decide who should and shouldn't be featured for a job. They can be the key to a phenomenal career opportunity for you. The bottom line is that even highly qualified candidates with a skill set that is in high demand should work together with all partners on an equal footing.

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