How employers can make job hunting less stressful for candidates

How employers can make job hunting less stressful for candidates

Did you know that only a divorce or the death of a loved one is considered more stressful than job hunting?

Although there is a lot of fear, optimism is still present: 58% of people in Austria believe that their dream role is out there.

How did we get to the point where people would rather be trapped in an elevator than pursue new career opportunities? And how can employers bring the much-needed peace to the process?

Take away the uncertainty

The results of a survey have shown that most people are afraid of change.

Almost a third of Austrian workers say that the most stressful part of job hunting is not knowing if the new job will fit them well.

All of these fears are essentially due to a lack of information about the opportunities that are available to them in companies. Job seekers have few information about the possibilities that are offered to them in companies. But companies also have a limited view of the candidates. Thus, the search for a job or an appointment is a stressful process for both sides.

Stating the solution plainly: when people apply for jobs that they know fit their skills and experience, they are more likely to be hired. Therefore, it is important to provide as much information as possible upfront.

Match the right people to the right jobs

People also want help finding jobs that better match their interests and want to learn more about exciting companies with relevant opportunities.

In order to accurately analyze all the data, machine learning must be relied on more and more – this will help connect people with the right skills and interests to the right company at the right time. To do this, it is necessary to create your own platform in order to tailor the process to your own standards. Another advantage of this is that, instead of subjective opinions or unconscious prejudices, only the bare facts will be involved in the process.

An objective selection process can bring benefits to applicants, especially developers and IT specialists who are open to testing their abilities in relation to job choice.

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