5 Daily Habits for Work-Life Balance and Career Success

5 Daily Habits for Work-Life Balance and Career Success

Establish a healthy work-life balance with these five simple steps to find success at work (and at home). The pandemic has forced many of us to work remotely, but there are still ways to connect with others and further our careers. These daily habits have really helped me to find a sense of balance and peace in my life, and I want to share them with you today.


  • Express recognition and be supportive
  • Make a stranger into a new friend
  • Appreciate the time spent with family
  • Work out when you can
  • Make plans into the future and take notes

1. Express recognition and be supportive

A little kindness can go a long way. I’ve made it a habit to reach out to people I don’t work with directly and give them positive feedback. Showing appreciation can make a big difference. I routinely contact people at the companies I work with and let them know I appreciate the work they’re doing.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about the power of positivity in the business world! It is called The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World With Kindness.

2. Make a stranger into a new friend

Making new friend can be challenging, but it is one of the best things in the world. Also, meeting strangers can open up chances to build big networks. But not only for business purposes. Meeting new people can really make you happy, even if it is online. Social Media platforms like Twitter for example, are great to exchange opinions with people with similar interests.

3. Appreciate the time spent with family

This might not be business advice, but it is very important non the less. It's so important to me to let the people I love know how much I care - I tell my wife and daughter I love them every day, and I make sure to stay in touch with friends and family regularly.

Showing you care by asking about family, bringing treats, or helping with stressful projects lets your colleagues know you appreciate them.

4. Work out when you can

This doesn't mean you need to do hard core exercise every day, but I know I'm less happy and more irritable when I don't work out. I've found that getting some exercise every day, even if it's just a walk, helps me to stay sane and happy.

When you put in the work, success will follow.

5. Make plans into the future and take notes

This is a huge one for me and I talk more about it in a previous article about work-from-home wellness. It has two purposes:

The personal. Spend as much time as possible with friends or family.

On a personal level, I like to take handwritten notes in a family journal. I started this when my daughter was nine months old and we moved. I wanted to be able to remember our trip and revisit our experiences later when my daughter was older. Now, I write down questions my daughter asks and experiences we share. Recently, she asked me “What is media?” and we had a conversation about the importance of getting truthful information distributed to the world to help people.

The professional. I will reflect on my professional development in order to improve myself.

On the business side, I am a digital notetaker. I’m capturing all sorts of things: startup ideas, personal action items, goals to share with my colleagues, things like that. I’ll be honest, I’m not taking digital notes every day but every night I reflect on my day. I ask myself how I felt during the day as well as how I think others felt when they interacted with me. This allows me to be more present and aware during the day which has led to improved business relationships.

I always reflect on my day before going to bed, thinking about what could have gone better and what I did well. The next day, I make it a point to address anything that I felt could have been improved.

You don't have to do all of these things, but as your career progresses, it's a great way to stay balanced, happy, and ultimately successful if you adopt a few daily practices like this.

Thank you for reading all the way to the end.

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