Developers with customer contact!

Developers with customer contact!

Here are some tips on how to improve contact with your clients.

The IT industry is currently undergoing great changes. A few years ago, developers had little direct contact with customers or non-technical people - this was taken over by project managers or CTOs. Today we see the increasing trend that it is possible or even encouraged for developers to take an active part in the customer relationship. For many, this is just an inconvenience, something that pulls them away from programming.

Nevertheless, this trend can represent an astonishing opportunity. By combining the technical knowledge and creativity of developers with the potential vision and knowledge of customers in the business area, something truly amazing can be achieved together. Isn't this something that makes a real senior developer stand out? The ability to deliver a product of the highest quality that perfectly meets or even exceeds expectations?

The basics

The customer-developer approach may be a widely held belief, but it actually diminishes the importance of the developer and oversimplifies the complexity of the relationship. The goal is to achieve a balance in the partnership and work WITH the customer, not FOR the customer. Of course, this is not easy, it requires a lot of work and professionalism combined with commitment.

It is essential to understand what the customer expects from the product. The "you talk, I'll do" approach is out of place here. If, for example, the main goal of an application to be developed is simplicity, but you see that something is wrong with a certain point in the requirements, then say so! Talk about your concerns. Show that you really care about what you're delivering: the product you're developing. In the end, you really do care about the projects.

For example, you can say something like this directly to the customer:

“This wizard – this one with thousands of inputs and popups – is probably not going to be practical at all. We should try something more user friendly, maybe something canvas based, or a drag and drop feature.”

Telling the customer this can really turn out to be a win-win situation. The customer will get a matching - or perhaps a much better product, as expected, and you will also have more fun developing something complex. Better than implementing a series of forms.

The one and only

Of course, the idea is not everything. The customer should also be persuaded to choose your proposal too. However, this usually also means that the customer has to pay more than originally planned. That's the hard bone. First, describe what you want to achieve. Why would your version make such a difference? Honesty is key here.

Once the client is interested in your input, be professional and make reasonable estimates. Try to estimate how much work really needs to be done and how much time it will all take. Not special - plain and simple. Was the customer satisfied? Even better!

You can do it better than the customer originally imagined, then something better should be delivered.

The outcome

Assuming it didn't work out. The customer either couldn't afford the new version of the solution or he just knew that the target audience was much more familiar with a simpler solution. This is still not a defeat for you. In the end, you still showed that you take initiative to improve the product and that you really care about your projects.

It doesn't sound that special, but it is a milestone in the relationship.

When the client understands that you want to work with him/her on something - and not for him/her - and how useful this collaboration could be, you will be seen in a completely different light.

To be honest, who would you rather give your money to? Someone who sits quietly and codes their share, or someone who wants to better implement your idea on many levels?

But it's not only important for the customer, but also for yourself: if you're working on something big that should be used for years, then you want to be able to be proud of your work! Showing that attitude openly is a damn good thing.

If it doesn't work

Let's say a customer project has gone wrong. The estimate was much too optimistic, and the proposed solution turned out to be incorrect - whatever. As a result, development is taking more time than necessary and someone has to pay for it. It can be a pretty tense and stressful situation, especially if the budget is not unlimited.

In this case, a technical lead or project manager could handle it, but it would be very professional if the developer took responsibility for it themselves.

There must be well-described reasons for the project's failure. There is no need to delve into technical details, as such things are of little importance from a business perspective. Much more should one assess the project's further course over time. As a developer, you have already dealt with the whole issue and can now better assess the temporal extent.

Do not overreact defensively. The issue at hand is the present, so there is no need to bring up many past events. Keep in mind that longer development times are not unusual. There is still an opportunity to resolve this – do not panic!

Good practices

Relationships with customers are the same as with your colleagues. There is nothing magic and the rules are similar:

  • Remember that the person on the other side is just like you. You want to be treated with respect and listened to, so always do the same.
  • Avoid pointless discussions. It only increases tension and leads to frustration
  • Do not confuse friendship with partnership. If you are friends with the customer, the business should not be affected because of this. And while a positive relationship is always helpful, it can't work miracles.
  • Don't grate too much licorice!


Maintaining relationships with customers can be tough work. It can be very difficult to establish a good partnership with someone who ultimately has control over your salary. However, if you are able to build strong relationships, it is a key advantage in the marketplace!

Ultimately, good communication between the technical and business side will lead to the creation of a better, more user-centric product. The atmosphere in development itself will also be much better. Note:

Anyone who thinks they can work alone is surrounded by nothing but competition. The fact is, there are many people in the same boat, no one gets on alone.

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