3 Habits of Successful Software Developers

3 Habits of Successful Software Developers

Whether you're a seasoned software developer or new to the business, there are a number of things beyond writing super code that can impact your success in your tech role. While it may be tempting to put your head down and focus on the code at hand, here are three habits of successful software developers that are worth developing.

They value understanding the broader business context of their work

The reality in any business - no matter how technically motivated - is that there will always be competing priorities. As a developer, it can be easy to get lost in the work - but it's important to understand what those business priorities are and how they connect to broader business goals.

When you understand how your work fits into the company, you can better advocate for the values. If you understand what drives your non-technical colleagues, you can better understand their language - and therefore be better equipped to collaborate successfully.

You code with discipline

It's undoubtedly important to be able to write code really well. But perhaps just as important is preparing for what comes after, by creating an environment and processes that ensure the talent or success is repeatable.

Good discipline can mean several things. First, it's important for engineers to engage with processes - or if they don't exist, create processes - that help the team produce high-quality work. Code reviews, for example, may seem mundane - but this practice (and many others) are essential to success for specific reasons. Instead of viewing these activities as burdens on your time writing code, you should view them as a critical step in creating the best possible output.

Being disciplined in your work requires a bit of introspection to find the environment in which you can best focus. For some, that means simply working with headphones. Others may need to use a technique or app to break down their tasks into manageable chunks. It really doesn't matter what strategy you use as long as it works.

They develop confidence in their abilities - but also know the limits of their expertise

Great software developers find a healthy balance between confidence and humility that allows them to work independently to produce high-quality results, but also to ask for help when they know their skills aren't up to par.

On the one hand, confidence in your abilities is important because it means that you are not overburdening your team by not asking them for help. On the other hand, overestimating yourself can lead to mistakes that could have easily been avoided if you had asked someone on your team.

The answer to this is simple: know what you can do and where your weaknesses lie. Getting there requires self-reflection. This can be difficult, but the good news is that by being honest about your limitations, a clearer path for success is laid out.

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